7 ways to improve your health in 2022

A new year brings new goals, ambitions, and hopefully healthier habits. 2022 is a great time to make these goals a reality. Add these resolutions to your list to start living a healthier life this year.

 1.   Cut down on sugar. Like everything, consume it in moderation.

 2.   Drink more water. Remember to stay hydrated all the times.

 3.   Exercise Regularly. Exercising is essential to healthy living.

 4.   Practice mindful breathing. The word meditation intimidates a lot of people, but an easy way to start is by learning how to breathe mindfully.

 5.   Make sure you get enough Vitamin D. It is crucial for the immune system and overall wellbeing 

 6.   Eat more whole foods. Aim to eat 5 servings of fruit or vegetables a day.

 7.   Spend more time outside. Spending time in nature or practicing forest bathing can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.

 With the added emphasis on health, it's more important than ever to make those wellness resolutions and stick to them.


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